Monday, April 23, 2012

    All righty then. What's so great about RV life? Let me begin by saying that RV life isn't for everybody. When I first told my older brothers (4 of them) the decision my wife and I had made, they thought I had lost my mind and gone off the deep end! It's not the life any of them want. That's the key. It's not the life any of them want. As I have gotten older (68) and hopefully a little wiser, I have learned that just because something doesn't fit me doesn't mean that it won't fit somebody else just fine! The RV community is pretty large with many thousands of us in this country alone. If I'm nuts, I have plenty of company! Billions of dollars are made off of us RVers.

    I digress.

    I suppose we all have diverse reasons why we love RVing. For us (I'll speak for my lovely wife, too), we talked about it for several years before finally deciding to sell our home, by a motor home and hit the road. As in most other things, there are pros and cons to be weighed. They will vary with each personal situation. For us, the pros outweighed the cons, so we pulled the plug and went for it. Believe me, downsizing from a 3 bedroom, 2 bath home to a 34' motor home was no easy task! We couldn't believe all of the junk we have accumulated over the years that had to be gotten rid of! A huge yard sale and another sale to sell all of the furniture and other household items. That's one of the cons about living in an RV. Storage! While the RV designers have made every attempt at utilizing all available space, the fact is that you can only do so much with a limited amount of space! Thirty four feet is thirty four feet. You can't stretch it. It is what it is. So, you downsize. Hard decisions have to be made. You've been carrying that whatchamacallit around for years. Now, sadly, you face the tough realization that your beloved whatchamacallit has to go. For some, this is the deal breaker. For others more stout of spine, it goes, painfully.

    Ah, but the upside is the freedom we have when we finally rid ourselves of the clutter, fire up the RV and hit the open road! Now there is a rush! You may have a destination in mind, maybe not. Are you a "snow birder"? For those of you unfamiliar with the term, those are folks who get out of frozen, icy, snowy Dodge and head for warmer climes for the winter. My wife and I love to travel. Before we bought the motor home, we would head down to Central America or Hawaii for a couple of weeks in January. That's all we could afford. There was snow and ice when we left and it was still here when we got back. Now, all of that is changed. We can leave Washington state in October, well before the first snow fall, and just mosey down, stopping here and there, until we settle in a nice park south of the snow line for the winter.

    Another "plus" for us is meeting new people and making new friends. Fellow RVers are pretty cool people! This is a great way to do it! At every new stop, new friends and acquaintances await. Some folks even decide to link up and form little RV convoys and head down the road to a new destination. How cool is that?

    So, what's so great about RV life? The freedom to go where you want, when you want. One day wake up with the Grand Canyon in your front yard, next day wake up to a fresh ocean breeze and the sound of surf crashing on a sandy beach! New friends await, new sights around every turn. That's what is so great about RV life! Come join us!

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